
Friday, January 25, 2008

hello there everybody!

okayy, so there's going to be ANOTHER CONCERT COMING UP! Switchfoot, the Christian band from the States is coming to town, i mean Singapore not Taiwan, and tickets are selling already! so here are the details:

Date: 31st January
Where: Expo, Max Pavilion
Time: 7:30pm
Cost: $70, $80, $90

But! if you sign up tomorrow, you get a discount for the $90 ticket! so you pay for $55 for a $90 seat and if you ask any auntie in the market, that is a really good buy! LOL! so start getting your tickets today and INVITE YOUR LOVED ONES TOO!

till next time, toodles fellas!

10:11 PM, & i live by faith and not by sight for you

Thursday, January 10, 2008

hello there darlings!

how has school been? wait... WHAT'S SCHOOL? *blur* hahaha. but seriously, how has it been going so far? it's coming to the end of the first week already, and i'm also PRETTY SURE that some of you are probably still chionging your holiday homework. worse, if you're Not even going to start your holiday homework. hahhaa. trust me, i've been there and done that, err i mean i'm done with not doing my homework then.

anyway, this blog will see some changes to the layout and the design in due time as i try my utmost to revive it! at the same time, i hope this blog becomes a frequent stop for you all everytime you come online cause at least there will be some Bible Verse for you to read and possibly encourage you to read more about it for yourself! on top of that, it'll be a place for our cell to share our day/ week/ fortnight/ month/ year/ whatever! if you need a prayer request, post it up!

so there we go, exciting times lie ahead of us!


3:16 AM, & i live by faith and not by sight for you

Sunday, January 06, 2008

dear hotbulbs,

thanks for the memorable two weeks spent with you fellas while i was back home in singapore. all the dinners and lunches and services that we went together, they are all fresh memories that will last till i meet everyone of you again.

coming back home and seeing all you people again felt especially relieved and reassured at the same time. relieved because all of you are still going church, THANK GOD; reassured because of the Lord's promise to me that when i leave for taiwan, He will bring me through my work there and at the same time look after and care for the people i leave behind. seeing all of you all happy and succesful in your individual life really meant something to me. i really cannot say how much i miss this cell, although i've only arrived back in camp two days ago. absence really makes the heart grow fonder huh? hahaha.

and so, you guys will be assured too that my prayers for you will always reach the high heavens and they are all for you. so be at rest that i will take good care of myself, and promise me that you guys will do the same for yourself too! listen to rachel! it's gonna be yet another 9 more months of living without me but still have LQ by her side sorta thing for her, so it will be stressful for her at times, so for goodness sake, LISTEN TO HER! hahaha.

you guys have really no idea what this cell means to me, and how much i love everyone one of you. you guys are really something, special in every way.

so give me a ring, sms, msn, skype me if you ever, ever need anything! so i guess i'll end here, but still pray that the Lord will continue to bless your footsteps and work that the people around you will know that the God you serve and worship is the God of everything.

in His everlasting Love,
darren. :)

8:23 PM, & i live by faith and not by sight for you

Hotbulbs:thePassionists is a cell group of young and raring Christians, going ALL out to seek the Lord in all that we do!

WHO? [:
Rachel Kee

21Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and it will be done. 22If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."
(Matt 21:21-22)

seems like no one's it yet. rawr.


reminisce [:
October 2006
July 2007
January 2008

credits [:
layout: childofgod_sher
basecodes: etiquity
image: deviant art
stinkerbell1 on Flickr
fonts: dafont